Tony Stewart has had to part ways with his monkey, Mojo this week after Mojo has recently shown signs that he is growing up and becoming to aggressive to be kept as a pet. Stewart though found a good home for Mojo at the Louisville Zoo. Which is a happier ending than when I had to part ways with my montior lizard, Mr. Happy. I relased him into the wild and now the number of missing pets in my nieghborhood has increased, its not my fault that my lizard probably found Ol' Yeller to be delcious.
Tony Stewart's former pet monkey, Mojo, now resides at Louisville Zoo (Louisvillezoo.org)
1 comment:
Well, aren't you Mr. Macho . . . Not! Releasing your lizard into the "wild" is nothing more than a cowardly, irresponsible, and inhumane act and your lack of sensitivity towards this animal welfare, not to mention your failure to even consider the welfare of other people's family pets that reside around you, just goes to prove how very sick you realy are. I hope someone finds out what you have done and reports you to the proper authorities. I cannot even find the words to decribe what kind of person you truly are, but one thing is for certain and that is that you, more than any of these prey driven animals, need to be restrained behind bars.
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